Affordable Housing Series: Looking Forward
Reach, Inspire, Sustain, Empower
Limited resources for affordable housing, the stigmas of homelessness, and the growing economic barriers our neighbors experience are the exact reasons why The Sharing Center is working to produce a new program. ProjectRISE– Reach, Inspire, Sustain, Empower is estimated to launch in early 2022. ProjectRISE will work to dismantle the burdens of homelessness and establish an environment for our neighbors in need to reach stability.
Each year, six cohorts of 10-12 homeless individuals will utilize short and long-term housing, food assistance, in-depth mental health counseling, and psychiatric care. Participants will also embark on life skills, building in budgeting/fiscal responsibilities, soft and hard job skills training, on-site work practicums, and emotional intelligence development training.
ProjectRISE aims to remove as many of the known barriers to economic stability as possible. Participants will work to reach sustainability above the 200% poverty level. For example, if a single mother of four is making 32,000 a year she has to make double the amount to reach the 200% poverty level. We will bridge the gap to help her reach that goal through education, or job training. After training, students will be assisted with job placement and provided an additional five months of housing to begin their journey towards financial stability and economic mobility.
The program can serve up to 72 individuals or households each year, with a target goal of helping 85% of families maintain housing and financial stability after completing the program.
When asked about how ProjectRISE will benefit those seeking affordable housing, Deborah Del Moral, ProjectRISE Program Manager states, “From a psychological standpoint – emotional intelligence will not only help the participant seek employment and stable housing but in their day-to-day life. It’s a full wrap-around holistic service, no matter what you do and how you live, you are represented through your interactions with other people, we will work one-on-one to develop the self-awareness necessary to go through life successfully.”
ProjectRISE will help develop participants’ emotional intelligence by setting clear boundaries of what you can and can’t control. The program aims to help families and individuals become totally self-sufficient. Participants will be paired with a life coach, they will create goals to reach forward-moving milestones. “The best part of ProjectRISE is life coaching and working together to reach certain milestones, i.e., remain employed for one year, make an active effort to reach above the 200% poverty level, increase income, etc. Working together for two years, and being consistent”, says Deborah.
The Sharing Center is committed to alongside each person as they journey back to stability. If you are interested in partnering or learning more about ProjectRISE, visit thesharingcenter.org/21Fund.