Reflecting on Two Years: Q&A With Nina Yon
Q: What is the most enjoyable part about your role with The Sharing Center?
A: I would have to say, witnessing how our team works, changing lives, and hearing client testimonials are all exciting to me. Every day I see how my work is meaningful and directly impacts our neighbors in need. Serving the Lord through my work is priceless.
Q: In the past two years, what has been your most impactful memory?
A: Our team working directly with families in crisis should be recognized. They managed to implement the new Covid-19 regulations so quickly and The Sharing Center was able to serve safely and effectively. Being able to observe how seamlessly the team has pivoted in the face of the pandemic is amazing. For example, our team was so agile and adaptive, taking what was a planned in-person luncheon and turned it into a virtual fundraiser. Their efforts allowed us to raise over 10 times our budgeted goal and helped so many more families who now needed it more than ever.
Q: From your first day within this role until your two-year anniversary mark, what has surprised you the most?
A: The way the team goes above and beyond in serving our clients delights me every day. I witnessed one team member, Damario, assist an older man using a wheelchair into the shower room and proceeded to bathe him because he could not bathe himself.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish for yourself and The Sharing Center over the next two years?
A: I look forward to expanding The Sharing Center’s ability to serve more individuals facing food insecurity, poverty, and homelessness. In the very near future, I’ll announce our plans to introduce more ways to help families back to stability.
Q: In your own words, will you describe what The Sharing Center means to you?
A: The Sharing Center is my daily ministry. I consider it such a blessing, honor, and good fortune to have the ability to love my job, openly express my faith, and share my love of Jesus with everyone. All the stars are aligned for the first time in my career and I am truly grateful to have such a rewarding job.