The Sharing Center’s ability to help our neighbors in need comes directly from OUR COMMUNITY! We are in awe of the many ways, compassionate and caring people have stepped in and up to lift an individual or family from the burdens of poverty. Our support is needed now, more than ever! This is why we want to do something FUN with our community and help raise more awareness struggles faced by those on brink of hunger and homelessness. Let’s make an impact – TOGETHER!
Want to show your support? The rules of the challenge are simple:
Today, I want to help raise awareness for our neighbors experiencing poverty and homelessness! I am taking the #watermelonchallenge!
I challenge [@ 5 of your friends]!
I also challenge you to make a gift to @TheSharingCenter at to help provide our neighbors with life’s basic essentials like a bike to hold steady employment or to feel dignified with a warm shower and clean clothes. To you, it’s a little thing. To them, it’s EVERYTHING!